![Bansoukou [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/329/717/256/256/637455786531686894.png)
[Feature Request] Bytecode splice
Krutoy242 opened this issue · 1 comments
Please add feature to splice bytecode.
Sometimes, i need to modify only one integer or string in .class
Some mods with "All Rights Reserved" license forbid to distribute their .class
files, so i can't use Bansoukou.
Other devs using mixins and coremods for this, but i have lack of Java knowledge.
Please add feature to change binary file content without providing whole binary file.
For example, it could be .json
with commands that will replace bytes.
Manual example
I have ImmersiveEngineering Silo that i want to change capacity stored in int
public class TileEntitySilo
extends TileEntityMultiblockPart<TileEntitySilo>
implements IEBlockInterfaces.IComparatorOverride {
public ItemStack identStack = ItemStack.field_190927_a;
public int storageAmount = 0;
static int maxStorage = 41472; // Value i want to change
boolean lockItem = false;
private int[] oldComps = new int[6];
When i used Bansoukou for the first time, i opened this .class
file with Hex editor, found 00 00 A2
and replace it to 00 FF FF
So now my code should looks like:
static int maxStorage = 16776960;
I saved this file into bansoukou/
folder and its work.
Feature suggestion example
What i want is to do same actions in steps above, but on MC launch.
For example, it could be .json
file with arrays of instructions.
In addition to file path it could have special characters that instruct to read file as instructions instead of inject in .jar
as is.
In my example, file called TileEntitySilo.class
and instructions file called TileEntitySilo.class$$.json
Instruction file could have arrays of JS-like .splice() parameters:
"index": 6574, // The position to add/remove bytes
"remove": 2, // Number of bytes removed, optional
"insert": [255, 255] // New byte(s) to be added
When Bansoukou run, it would open .class
file in binary format, and replace bytes 6574 and 6575 to FF FF
and then save -patched
.jar as usual.
It would be nice if"index"
values could accept strings, so i could write:"index": "19AE", "remove": 2, "insert": "FF FF"