![Bansoukou [絆創膏] - Mod Patcher](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/329/717/256/256/637455786531686894.png)
[CRASH] - Compatability Issue
3axleb opened this issue · 3 comments
Game crashes if there's one of these mods: LLibrary, NetherEx, InControl, TheBetweenlands.
Everything works fine until you patch anything through "bansoukou" folder. I patched Mo' Creatures mod which is unrelated to any of mods listed above.
Also i used Ice and Fire, Fossils and Archeology, Mowzies Mobs. But i don't know if they're causing the problem, because they depend on LLibrary. I can't check for sure.
Crash Reports
Betweenlands Crash.txt
InControl Crash.txt
LLibrary Crash.txt
NetherEx Crash.txt
What was used
But archive can be empty, content doesn't matter.
Betweenlands Debug.log
In Control Debug.log
LLibrary Debug.log
NetherEx Debug.log
I hope i sent the right thing =/