Baritone spams me with "Paused due to lag!" and "Unpaused!" messages without a reason.
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Here are the messages, and in action. ^^
So, brief explanation:
Baritone keeps spamming me with those "Paused due to lag!" and "Unpaused!" messages mostly when the server has 1 to 8 TPS, still happens when it's above 15 TPS. This has never happened before, till I got Impact. When I used other clients with Baritone integrated in them, and even Baritone standalone, it never happened, even when the TPS was 1 to 8. This is a weird issue, and it seems like the help channel in Impact didn't help me with this issue, so I reported it here.
Oh also, I socialize in chat as this is not 2b2t where the chat is just random stuff, so this is a pretty large issue for me as I cannot see other people's messages.
This is a kami blue feature, in lag notifier. You can disable the chat option in the module settings, or completely disable baritone pausing when the server is lagging.