Mining/Following with NBT
UltraBlackLinux opened this issue ยท 1 comments
labels: enhancement
Describe your suggestion
So basically allows baritone to mine a block with a specific nbt tag, e.g.
#mine furnace[lit=true]
Toggles between the vanilla nbt tag syntax and an easier one based on entity nbt ("block" = placeholder for mc block):
mine block[nbt]
What also would work with the entity based syntax:
mine block[r=5]
mine block[r=..5]
And custom syntax:
mine block[facing=north]..
(This ".." at the end allows the use of an expandable selector: not only blocks with this nbt will be mined, also blocks with this and some other.)
mine log:3[r=20,x=~3,y=3..5,z=7]
mine iron_door[facing=north]..
This would add more funcionality to the mine feature and make it better for specific uses, e.g. u placed a ton of doors in the wrong direction near u, then u do:
#mine door[r=..20,facing=north]
This could also enhance the follow command (and maybe more)
Final checklist
- I know how to properly use check boxes