Forge 1.17 is already up, when will baritone 1.17 be available?
Opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Also forge 1.17 isn't up yet.
It was at the time of you writing that. Forge 1.17.1-37.0.1 was published the day before, in fact.
Also forge 1.17 isn't up yet.
It was at the time of you writing that. Forge 1.17.1-37.0.1 was published the day before, in fact.
Sorry, I hadn't checked within the last 12 hrs before sending that message. Also build time doesn't always also mean upload time, so chances are it was uploaded several hours later, making it in the same day as I sent that message, for me. I am sorry I didn't notice it. Anyway, I don't think that it supports mixins yet so we still can't update to it. If I am wrong about that please tell me, but that is what I have heard so far.
Ah okay - that sucks. Any chance of a Fabric mod, or is it a case of waiting for Forge to support Mixins as well?
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