Can't mine things
TRRT004 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Some information
Operating system: Windows 11
Java version: openjdk version "1.8.0_302"
Minecraft version: 1.18.2
Baritone version: baritone-1.18-SNAPSHOT
Exception, error or logs
An unhandled exception occurred. The error is in your game's log, please report this at
baritone.api.command.exception.CommandUnhandledException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/class_3296
How to reproduce
Write #mine something in chat
Modified settings
All modified settings:
allowDiagonalAscend (Boolean)
allowDiagonalDescend (Boolean)
allowInventory (Boolean)
allowOnlyExposedOres (Boolean)
allowParkour (Boolean)
allowParkourPlace (Boolean)
allowVines (Boolean)
assumeSafeWalk (Boolean)
blocksToAvoidBreaking (List<class_2248>)
breakFromAbove (Boolean)
followRadius (Integer)
freeLook (Boolean)
legitMine (Boolean)
legitMineIncludeDiagonals (Boolean)
maxFallHeightBucket (Integer)
maxPathHistoryLength (Integer)
mobAvoidanceCoefficient (Double)
mobAvoidanceRadius (Integer)
Final checklist
- I know how to properly use check boxes
- I have included the version of Minecraft I'm running, baritone's version and forge mods (if used).
- I have included logs, exceptions and / or steps to reproduce the issue.
- I have not used any OwO's or UwU's in this issue.