Trying to have Baritone build in a specific coordinate
AODHoxton opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I'm attempting to have Baritone build schematic files at a specific coordinate without the bot moving like 200 blocks away from where I want it to build. When trying to put in a coordinate in the command string it just gives me "Error at argument #X: expected RelativeBlockPos
Putting RelativeBlockPos in the argument's place yields nothing, and the error just goes onto another argument. Am I just doing something wrong or is Baritone incapable of this?
can you post the full command you used?
baritone excpects it in the format #build <schemfile.fileextention> <x-coordinate> <y-coordinat> <z-coordiante>
if no coordinates are provided it will use the player position.
the coordinates will used to identify the minimum corner of the schematic.