- 8
how to make baritone build where you want it to and not where it choses to.
#1954 opened by fsdfsjdlfksjdflksdj - 3
Question: How do you set up minecraft 1.16?
#1955 opened by madelynwith5ns - 2
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#1962 opened by GiveGame - 5
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class baritone.api.BaritoneAPI
#1957 opened by perzeroo - 12
Error at argument where i put the name of the schmatic saying "Expected RelativeBlockPos" when i try to build
#1960 opened by hihelloheyhi - 3
An extra @Sel command to prioritize a certant block while using @sel cleararea. It goes to that block first. Then starts clearing the rest.
#1966 opened by DamOnlyDC - 12
implement #win
#1968 opened by xCjay - 1
Crashes everytime I launch
#1969 opened by Letwick - 4
@mine missing ores
#1965 opened by svember - 4
#mine bitcoin
#1974 opened by 5HT2 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#1975 opened by CZ2zZz - 2
Mining function doesn't work on the client i use.
#1972 opened by iamPwnda - 12
Include special-drop blocks on #mine (amount of blocks) (block).
#1976 opened by anumy - 5
How to disable baritone saving chunks when the game is closed?
#1977 opened by bebeli555 - 6
how to mine with chosen item at the chosen item slot
#1980 opened by KendalPehlivan - 1
Typo in JavaDocs
#1981 opened by 5HT2 - 6
baritone incompatible with SevTech Ages modpack, error 255
#1982 opened by TheK0tYaRa - 3
Ability to set a bounding bot for the farm feature
#1983 opened by ColdHulkmask - 2
#1979 opened by 0uth - 6
how to use schematics in impact forge
#1984 opened by superdestroyer7 - 6
Added disable auto-tool in auto-mine
#1985 opened - 4
How to use baritone in a third-party launcher
#1986 opened by djkcyl - 1
#1987 opened by unknown81311 - 3
schematic file maker
#1989 opened by somedude21 - 3
How can i slow baritone auto build bot.cause it gets detected by the anticheat.
#1990 opened by RavingLoon - 1
BlocksToAvoidBreaking by ID
#1991 opened by AntonioRG00 - 6
baritone won't place redstone/string
#1992 opened by Bulka525 - 8
How to load schematics
#1993 opened by SableRojo - 1
Don't break snow layers when building
#1994 opened by DifferentPerson - 1
How do I add baritone to a normal minecraft installation
#1996 opened by ThereIsNoChance - 4
no works mod
#1999 opened by BurnSkull - 3
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#2000 opened by RealIndrit - 9
Crap mod
#2001 opened by BurnSkull - 9
Auto refill inventory
#2002 opened by Bram3 - 1
when i try to do the mine command, it will give me a error.
#2003 opened by Rabb432 - 2
Error when i do mine command.
#1997 opened by zinixyt - 2
Why doesn't baritone break blocks to go somewhere? And put them back
#1998 opened by ThereIsNoChance - 1
Planting cocoa beans
#2005 opened by boxmode - 1
Baritone Ladder Usage
#2006 opened by KazzaKING - 1
Till dirt
#2004 opened by Bram3 - 2
unhandled error whenever #mine is used
#2007 opened by TeslaCoil69 - 2
json version for 1.16.x?
#2008 opened by MakeLord95 - 0
#2009 opened by thisismikk - 6
Pathfinding visuals gone while using optifine and shaders
#2010 opened by MakeLord95 - 2
Baritone pathfinding visuals gone when using optifine with a shader
#2011 opened by MakeLord95 - 5
Update WWE integration badge
#2013 opened by omninope - 2
Can baritone / fabritone work on mac?
#2014 opened by Rabb432 - 1
blockReachDistance not working
#2016 opened by notnot-nick - 1
Baritone gets stuck on fences
#2017 opened by P-T1ps - 1
Boundaries for auto-farming
#2012 opened by Tofuine