- 0
Mining Problem
#3457 opened by EinsKluges - 1
#goto #mine commands not working
#3459 opened by MGyata - 0
Memory leak in chunk caching
#3460 opened by solonovamax - 1
Unite the ores. aka: No man left behind o7
#3482 opened by nEONcReepER990 - 1
Can't place nether warts with #farm
#3483 opened by Aishomeur - 3
setting protectedArea
#3484 opened by m00nyONE - 1
Not having all commands
#3485 opened by fajnygamer - 1
Loot at target position
#3461 opened by FYWinds - 11
not compatible with "BetterChat"
#3462 opened by ClaraCrazy - 2
Human Readable Format in ETA Command
#3464 opened by dG9hc3Q - 1
Build with no progress
#3465 opened by FYWinds - 4
Constant sneaking that results in block missplacemnt
#3466 opened by maxsupermanhd - 1
Baritone crashing when trying to fill an area with sand
#3468 opened by asdfwasfdad - 3
buildskipblock cannot found in baritone 1.16.5
#3469 opened by mieucun123 - 0
mine command error
#3470 opened by wotnseo77 - 0
Refuses to jump when path finding
#3471 opened by BrunostNoodles - 1
- 2
1.18.2 .schem support?
#3473 opened by Likqez - 1
Potential bug in the map and list setting parsers
#3474 opened by ZacSharp - 1
Switching to sets (where appropriate) for settings
#3475 opened by ZacSharp - 8
Game crash with Sodium and ReplayMod
#3476 opened by Timongcraft - 1
Mine command isnt working, just says "an unhandled exception occured"
#3477 opened by mariusmagalius - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3480 opened by M4ngus - 1
unexpected error
#3481 opened by achitor - 0
problems with building
#3515 opened by Albiniii - 1
Jump from edge and etc.
#3512 opened by LysiBee - 1
When are you going to update the 1.19 version of baritone
#3511 opened by siurana-lin - 2
null block problem :(
#3487 opened by Rigaardz - 4
json version for 1.18.2?
#3489 opened by MakeLord95 - 2
Why baritone cant build redstone things with schematica????
#3495 opened by bkhbxk - 3
Unexcepted crash
#3490 opened by GEkXD3 - 3
How to select area for #farm?
#3492 opened by bkhbxk - 6
Its passible to set radius in #farm?
#3493 opened by bkhbxk - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3494 opened by bkhbxk - 2
Baritone is unable to place wool blocks from schematics
#3496 opened by Foxy6670 - 1
1.12.2 Vanilla how to install Baritone
#3497 opened by KatyaJopa666 - 1
Unhandled error?
#3498 opened by nethercreature293 - 2
baritone cant mine
#3499 opened by lengway - 2
#3500 opened by JoltTheWolf - 2
#3501 opened by WojtekPlay - 1
Update to 1.19 coming soon?
#3502 opened by fantax77 - 0
In some cases there should be more useful errors
#3504 opened by scorbett123 - 1
Auto chunk load while using elytra
#3505 opened by adabugra - 2
1.19 version plz
#3506 opened by SnehdeepSinghSohi - 2
How long will it take to use Baritone 1.19?
#3507 opened by XYEXEcom - 1
I tried to use command: #mine ancient_debris
#3508 opened by sneakyweaky123 - 1
Command not found: blocksToDisallowBreaking
#3509 opened by KatyaJopa666 - 1
Please add a brief but descriptive title
#3510 opened by tediusemperor - 1
Can't build top slabs and stairs
#3516 opened by deutdrsium - 1
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.class_1922.method_8320(net.minecraft.class_2338)" because "world" is null
#3517 opened by Martine1231