


Create a good design for operator creation - to avoid class loader issues and recreation

athrane opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Classes like ProcessBlockDirectivesEventHandler and ReflectEffectEventHandler has a static creation of operators:

* Operator instance (can be null due to class loading).
static Optional optOp = Optional.empty();

 * Create operators.
static Supplier<Operator2> splOp = () -> {

	// return operator instance if defined
	if (optOp.isPresent()) {
		return optOp.get();

	// if mod configuration hasn't been class loaded yet, the return null operator
	if (spawnedBlockParticles == null) {
		return new NullOp2();

	// create particle config from configuration
	ParticleRenderingInfo particleConfig = createInfoFromConfig(spawnedBlockParticles);

	// create particle op from configuration
	Operator2 op = new AddParticlesFromPosAtClient2(particleConfig);
	optOp = Optional.of(op);
	return optOp.get();


The design must be made more elegant to reduce boilerplate code and support reusability
The good thing about the above is that the code isn't re-initialized every time
run(ports, splOp.get());
is invoked..

Alternate solution:

  * Operator instance (can be null due to class loading).
  static Optional<Operator2> optOp = Optional.empty();

  * Create operators.
  static Supplier<Operator2> splOp = () -> {

    Operator2 op = new Sequence2(..);
    optOp = Optional.of(op);
    return optOp.get();

  run(ports, optOp.orElseGet(splOp));

Maybe a final solution:

static Supplier<Operator2> splDecoyOp = () -> {
  Function<Ports, LivingEntity> fnGetTarget = getFnGetLivingEntity2();
  BiConsumer<Ports, EffectInstance> bcSetEffectInstance = getBcSetEffectInstance1();
  return new Sequence2(new SpawnDecoy2(), new AddEffect2(fnGetTarget, bcSetEffectInstance,
    RECEIVE_AGGRO_EFFECT.get(), receiveAggroEffectDuration.get(), receiveAggroEffectAmplifier.get()));

  static final Operator2 decoyOp = of(splDecoyOp);


  run(ports, decoyOp);