


Consider a more elegant approach to resolution of the target entity from the ray trace port in classes ProjectileModifierEventHandler

athrane opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Could the code from class ProjectileModifierEventHandler below be improved?


  • the target resolution moved to an operator or helper function?
  • the invoker resolution moved to an operator or helper function?

The same issue is also present in class ReceiveAggroBook.

Code from ProjectileModifierEventHandler:

	 * Create meteor operator.
	 * The reason for not using the no-arg constructor for {@linkplain ShootMeteor2}
	 * is that it by default gets the target entity as living entity #2 from the
	 * ports.
	 * But the event handler currently only sets the invoker (in the living entity
	 * #1 port) and the ray race result (in the ray trace result #1 port) from the
	 * event.
	 * In order for {@linkplain ShootMeteor2} to resolve the target entity from the
	 * ray trace result then its constructor is invoked with adapted functions.
	static Supplier<Operator2> splMeteorOp = () -> {
		Function<Ports, LivingEntity> fnGetInvoker = getFnGetLivingEntity1();
		Function<Ports, LivingEntity> fnGetTarget = p -> {
			RayTraceResult result = p.getRayTraceResult1();
			EntityRayTraceResult entityResult = (EntityRayTraceResult) result;
			return (LivingEntity) entityResult.getEntity();
		return new Sequence2(new IsLivingEntityHitInRaytraceResult2(), new ShootMeteor2(fnGetInvoker, fnGetTarget));


	 * Execute meteor operator.
	 * @param event projectile impact event.
	static void shootMeteor(ProjectileImpactEvent event) {

		// exit if invoker couldn't be resolved
		Optional<LivingEntity> optInvoker = resolveInvoker(event);
		if (!optInvoker.isPresent())

		// create ports
		Ports ports = getInstance();

		// execute
		run(ports, METEOR_OPERATOR);