


[feature request] Allow option for a single bauble to fit into any of the slots

Lothrazar opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I was wondering if its possible to allow one item to go into any of the four slots. Or if not, is that a feature you are willing to do.

I know this might be complicated, or you might not want to support it, its just a feature that would be nice to have.

In the function

public BaubleType getBaubleType

I return just one type, and that defines what slots it goes into. Maybe if that returned null it could go into any slot? Or add a new enum type BaubleType.ALL so it could go into any ?


Something like this is possible, but a fairly big change to the API. If I implement something like this it would probably have to wait for the next big release - probably along with MC 1.11

Edit: Hmmm, might not be that big a change. I will need to take a look.


Yup, one of the changes for the 1.10 version has made doing this very easy. Expect something in the next 1.3.beta7 release.


Hey, im excited for this feature, (downloaded BETA7), but when I return type TRINKET, i cant equip the items. In older builds with type RING or others they equipped. Is this a bug or im doing something wrong?

EDIT: Nevermind ignore me im being dumb, i was using the cpw @optional wrong. good work and thanks again