[Bug] BCLib breaks Axe functionality if the mods it's installed for are disabled.

lostdoge08 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What happened?

A bug happened!
I ended up uninstalling Better End and Better Nether, but didn't uninstall this library, and it caused axes to no longer break wood faster.



Fabric API


Fabric Loader




Relevant log output

No response

Other Mods

No response


I can confirm this, I just spent half an hour going through 200 mods to see that a library mod is apparently doing stuff when no mods are using the library. I observed this with the following 6 mods (only 2 real mods, 3 dependencies)

Panda's Falling Trees v0.12.1
BCLib v3.0.14

PandaLib v0.2.1
Fabric API v0.92.1+1.20.1
Architectury v9.2.14


I think I found the file in question responsible for this behavior https://github.com/quiqueck/BCLib/blob/3.0.14/src/main/java/org/betterx/bclib/mixin/common/DiggerItemMixin.java

Edit: this is also unfortunate, gonna need to patch out the DiggerItemMixin and re-add BCLib as I think (I know I didn't go out of my way to change world gen type) sets the world gen type to BCLib type, whatever that is, even if the user did not specify to use BCLib causing nether (and probably end too) to not world when removed

Edit 2: It.... may not be DiggerItemMixin??

Edit 3: Maybe it sets the axe to not be recognized as the right tool for a log? This is really weird

Edit 4: yep looks like FabricMC/fabric#66 strikes again???? If I remove the axe.json from https://github.com/quiqueck/BCLib/blob/1.20.3/src/main/generated/data/minecraft/tags/blocks/mineable/axe.json the axes are no longer slow

Edit 5: yep, reverted my deletion of DiggerItemMixin and JUST deleted axe.json, and axes work fine, really does seem like a case of 66 as linked above

Edit 6: There seems to be a pattern of issues in the modpack I've been working on, the old ways seem to work fine/more reliably while the "datapack-y way" with the tags and json files seem to be where the issues lie

If you removed BCLib and loaded the world, the World gen settings for the nether and end are removed from the level.dat it may be in the old level.dat(_old) but if not generate a new world with bclib as a mod and copy the tags from that level.dat you can get access back to your nether and end dimensions https://cdn.jordanplayz158.xyz/uploads/616f221f4d7741c69e328d31760ab2b28df98a72.png