Clicking "Kick Me" Button causes instant crash.
Rccamo3 opened this issue · 8 comments
Game stops responding as soon as i click "Kick Me" and i have to use task manager to kill the program. Incredibly annoying since what this mod is supposed to fix, only makes it worse. No clue why its happening. Im using it in the FTB Beyond modpack in 1.10.2
Im still having the problem , im playing Foolcraft 2 modpack singleplayer world, most of the times a bed bug occurs it crashes then i have to manually end the game from my task manager, luckily my game progress gets autosaved everytime. The 'kick me' button rarely works for me
Alright, thanks. Its really really frustrating. After the third time, i just switched over to using cheat mode to set it back to daytime. Good luck.
Yup, thanks for the issue.
I recently got reports of this as well via curseforge's messages. Not sure why it's popping up now all of a sudden (some other mod updated?), but regardless I'll look into it more.
I have a solution, but it wouldn't be ideal. The command /kickme
seems to work just fine, it's only the button that occasionally causes the hangup.
The reason for this must be with the siding, the client side logic (the button) fails whereas the server side logic (the command) works.
I could make the button's functionality emulate that of the command (internally), but this would mean that the mod could no longer be downloaded only on the client side, it would have to be installed on both the client and server (as most mods are). Would that be an acceptable trade off?
Yup, correct. Singleplayer is an integrated client and server (together), so that would always work. I'm guessing I'm going to fix it this way, but I put up a poll on reddit to check if others use the clientside only feature first.
It seems that a fair number of others use it client only so I'll have to look into another solution. For now, try using the command instead /bedbugs kick [player]
and that should work.