BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java!

BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java!


Transparent hotbar set to false doesn't work

JamesisFonny opened this issue · 3 comments


Setting hotbar transparent to false still make my hotbar transparent


Transparency of Hotbar is based on HudOpacity config value. Currently it’s not enough to set hotbar transparent to false if you want to make Hotbar opaque. But a change is here to prioritize Hotbar and I’m ready to create a pull. lonefelidae16@bfd523d

Juan said “try changing also the hud opacity option”, so I’m not sure I should create a pull.


we can change the name of this settings to avoid misunderstanding:
Screenshot from 2023-07-23 09-55-54


@lonefelidae16 I think that the better option is to implement your suggestion of changing the name of the setting from transparent hotbar to hotbar style (vanilla/bedrock). I'll add this change and update some of the translations. thank you for the suggestion