Conflict with Fabrication Mod
Afrocntrik opened this issue ยท 2 comments
The game crashes due to Fabrication's special configuration screen not allowing the Panorama to be rendered.
Thread: Render thread
at net.minecraft.class_350.redirect$zjn000$renderPanorama(class_350.java:621)
at net.minecraft.class_350.method_25394(class_350.java:179)
at io.github.prospector.modmenu.gui.ModsScreen.method_25394(ModsScreen.java:253)
at com.unascribed.fabrication.client.FabricationConfigScreen.method_25394(FabricationConfigScreen.java:254)
Mods: BedrockIfy 0.2.0, Fabric API 0.26.0+1.16, & Mod Menu v1.14.10
With the last version of BedrockIfy (0.2.1) This issue has been fixed and you should be able to run BedrockIfy and Fabrication with "Panorama Backgrounds" enabled!!!