BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java!

BedrockIfy - Bedrock Features on Java!


[Feature Request] Synchronized Hand Swaying Toggle

Matnns opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello, splitting this issue from my previous one as requested! As I've learned that the hand swaying animation being out of sync was intended behavior, I'd like to request a toggle in the config that synchronizes them together. This behavior would be

  • Consistent with Bedrock's slightly different idle animation, which is synced up unlike Java's
  • Consistent with view bobbing having both the main and off-hand bob in sync
  • Less distracting, while still being a nice effect (in my opinion)

Thank you, and great work on this mod!


Also on Bedrock breathing bob animation changes X rotation of an item instead of Y position, which makes it look more realistic and not distracting (data-driven one is exception because attachable items have broken geometry and original animation doesn't work properly on them)