Better Advancements

Better Advancements


[1.12.2] Not compatible with SpongeForge

Brycey92 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Since the Forge version this mod is compiled against has been updated past 2768, the mod is no longer compatible with SpongeForge, which requires Forge 2768.


I'm trying to use 1.12.2- SpongeForge only runs on the version of Forge it was built on, because it hooks into so many of the inner workings of Forge. Any change to Forge can end up breaking parts of SpongeForge in unexpected ways. Also, clients are recommended to be on the same version of Forge as SpongeForge servers so that there can't be any breaking changes to client-server communication or custom scoreboard/GUI/rendering plugins.

Since BetterAdvancements is built against a newer version of Forge, clients are forced to upgrade, which either forces servers to upgrade or causes a potential for breakages between client and server with SpongeForge. Some modpacks even have the clients running SpongeForge, in which case they would have to use an old alpha version of BetterAdvancements or remove it altogether.


To be completely honest, SpongeForge only runs on the version of Forge it was built on, because it hooks into so many of the inner workings of Forge sounds like this is a SpongeForge issue. I updated to the latest Forge so that I could be as close as possible to the 1.13 branch as I planned on updating. This is also what JEI is being built against which I usually as a baseline.

Feel free to downgrade to any version before f2fc500, which was made on Jan 9th.


I don't see how this would be an issue? First off, which version of Better Advancements are you using? Also I don't see where the forge version I build against would be an issue.