NullPointerException ItemStack
cap10zeus opened this issue ยท 15 comments
FYI I got this crash updating pack.
This should fix this too f593564
Wake up knox, it's in the crash report:
UCHE betteragriculture{0.16} Better Agriculture
Idk what this registry is doing there: (GameRegistry.addSmelting(ModBlocks.nethercoalOre, new ItemStack(Blocks.COAL_ORE, 2), 1.0f);)
It didn't crash on my end tho, we have been using on the public server.
Can you give more description about when does the crash happen?
Found the mod it's conflicting with; RouterReborn.
i cant see how it is conflicting, i add a recipe to smelting, for coal ore to coal, but that should not cause any issues with nethercoalOre
im also able to load BetterAgriculture and RR together and im not getting a crash
Well darn, I didn't try it by themselves. Guess i gotta do it again with both installed and see who else could be the culprit.
Ok, so here are my findings, when I have both BA and RouterReborn installed, the game crashes on startup with the following mods as well:
when i tested BA + RR i noticed JEI is complaining there is a null item in the smelting recipes, this only happends when BA is installed, Does not cause a crash though.
Not sure how a null item ends up in there, but dont look like forge has any checks that prevent you from adding a null item, i need to test some more to make sure im not the one that add this null item, but i do check for null before i auto add recipes, so not sure what is going on here.