Better Boilers

Better Boilers


<development issue> Turbine controllers turn themselves into boiler controllers (or vice versa, depending on code)

LemmaEOF opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Version affected: latest CI builds

Replicate: place down a boiler controller and turbine controller

Result: either the boiler controller will turn itself into a turbine controller, or the turbine controller will turn itself into a boiler controller

Flaw: TileEntityMultiblockController is fundamentally dependent on TileEntityBoilerController, requiring it for setControllerStatus and setBlockState (, and the if-statement put in to mitigate doesn't fix


I think I've found something functioning?

if (world.getBlockState(this.getPos()).getBlock() == ModBlocks.BOILER_CONTROLLER) {
  setControllerStatus(TileEntityBoilerController.ControllerStatus.ACTIVE, "");
} else {
  setControllerStatus(TileEntityTurbineController.ControllerStatus.ACTIVE, "");

It isn't giving me any problems at the moment, so it looks like this is doing ok.