Better Builder's Wands

Better Builder's Wands


North-South+Vertical / East-West+Vertical are just wrong

tofof opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  1. Build a 3x3x3 cube.
  2. Point at the center block on the west side, with appropriate blocks in your inventory to build with.
  3. Change mode to 'North-South', observe that mode allows placing 3 blocks (i: attached to the face you're pointing to, ii:north of that, iii: south of that).
  4. Change to 'East-West', observe that mode allows placing 0 blocks (mode says: "no building on east/west face").
  5. Change to 'North-South+Vertical', observe that mode allows placing (only) 3 blocks, not 5 as expected. (i: attached to pointed face, ii: above it, iii: below it)
  6. Reposition, pointing at center block on south side of cube.
  7. Observe that mode allows placing 9 blocks, not 0 as expected (mode says: "no building on north/south face")
  8. Change to 'East-West+Vertical'. Observe mode allows placing (only) 3 blocks, not 5 as expected (i: attached to pointed face, ii: above it, iii: below it)
  9. Reposition, pointing back at the original center block on west side.
  10. Observe that mode allows placing 9 blocks, not 0 as expected (mode says: "no building on east/west face")
  11. Change mode to "no lock". Observe help text names 4 of 6 directions and uses 'left' and 'right' instead of N/S/E/W for some reason.