- 3
Diving issue
#26 opened by Georg255 - 1
Oredictionary ores
#27 opened by NightmareTwilight - 3
Compatability with Metamorph: Water breathing from morph is ignored
#28 opened by KumoMatt - 1
Too long to mine
#29 opened by woviletta - 2
Disabling Creepvine Seed Clusters
#30 opened by kriNon - 4
Can you add more fish creatures?
#31 opened by Abo233 - 1
Reset Configs With No Warning
#32 opened by Boolyman - 3
Inconsistent underwater block breaking speed
#33 opened by Unknow0059 - 2
Incompatibility with Idō
#34 opened by Stormister - 2
Compatability for the "Streams" mod?
#35 opened by Abo233 - 3
Fog Bug when I go underwater and out of the water with the newest Version
#36 opened by Titoo8899 - 9
Oxygen Config is still broken.
#37 opened by Boolyman - 5
outcrops not dropping ores
#38 opened by ArMoReDfUrY - 2
Dimension Spawn Configs
#39 opened by DVorriose - 9
More Better Diving Issues
#40 opened by Boolyman - 1
Server Startup Crash w/ 1.4.03
#41 opened by nephatrine - 2
Diving Gear display issues on armor stand.
#42 opened by netmc - 2
Fluid type whitelist/blacklist for movement module
#43 opened by barttraeger - 4
Crash when iterating loaded chunk collection
#45 opened by Jackiecrazy - 3
Compatibility with TerraFirmaCraft
#46 opened by Pentasis - 2
Crash when populating world with low sea level
#44 opened by Zack7292 - 9
Unable to place seamoth on server
#47 opened by Mikecolle - 2
world crash
#48 opened by Tyrius1 - 2
Vampirism Integration
#49 opened by Tyrius1 - 4
Creepvine seed clusters aren't consumed
#50 opened by pcal43 - 2
crashlog with ic2 classic
#51 opened by trilexcom - 1
The Textures should be reworked.
#52 opened by strobili - 1
velocity of "1.13-like movement"
#53 opened by Biviho - 1
Biome Bundle Incompatibiliy
#55 opened by Pengu-Hunter - 4
Baubles Support for Masks, Tanks, etc.
#54 opened by Ghostipedia - 2
Creepvine Cluster Crash
#56 opened by MineWiz270 - 2
Exception in server tick loop & Batching chunks
#57 opened by RodrigoTaipe93 - 1
You can add more aquatic monster?
#58 opened by Abo233 - 2
Matter Overdrive support
#59 opened by EvilToasterDBU - 2
[Enhancement] Armor makes you drown
#60 opened by pimalel233 - 7
Balance Inquiry for energy values
#61 opened by DoomRater - 1
Hardcore Darkness Incompability.
#62 opened by Inf0214 - 4
Pseudo-Backports [enhancement]
#63 opened by DVorriose - 1
Fun with Seaglide!
#64 opened by DoomRater - 2
Armourer's Workshop compatiblity with alternative player render?
#66 opened by DoomRater - 1
ArtemisLib Compatibility?
#65 opened by DoomRater - 0
Translation to pl_PL
#67 opened by pivinx1 - 3
1.13 like movment bug
#68 opened by Pengu-Hunter - 2
[Enhancement] Creepvine cluster Serene Seasons compatability?
#69 opened by pimalel233 - 2
Other dimension generation.
#70 opened by disastercube - 1
Fish No Longer Spawn
#71 opened by nephatrine - 1
Generation bug with other mods
#72 opened by Zack7292 - 1
weird "flying fish"
#73 opened by Zack7292 - 10
"Failed to properly place creepvine block at BlockPOS" spammed to server output/log
#74 opened by Gideon2361 - 2
Oxygen Can't breathe with vanilla oxygen mechanics in Seamoth
#76 opened by SebaSphere