Random block tessellation crashes
eDexiam opened this issue ยท 6 comments
The game crashes randomly when loading chunks
This seems to happen on very high render distances (16-32 chunks)
Here is the crash log: https://pastebin.com/x2JaX9VG
If you need more information let me know
Can confirm, this has been happening on a render distance of 12 here. Including latest log and crash report. This crash has made my current mod pack playtesting world unplayable as I will load in then crash again for the same thing.
I'm also currently getting that crash and I'm on the latest version of Better Foliage. Seems to happen shortly after loading into the world as chunks load, or whenever you try and hit a block whereby the game immediately freezes and crashes.
Can you try it with Better Foliage 2.7.1?
Checking it now, will report back if it happens again. Nothing so far on 2.7.1
Can you try it with Better Foliage 2.7.1?
Hi, apologies for the late reply, I have been quite busy, I will try it and report back my findings
I am getting the crash a few minutes after logging on a server and just walking around