Auto-Input and Factory Upgrades not checking inventories 1.18.2
Staegrin opened this issue ยท 15 comments
BetterFurnacesReforged-1.18.2-1.2.3 & Ultimate-Furnaces-BFR-1.18.2-1.0
Forge 40.1.52
Minecraft 1.18.2
Neither the furnaces or the forges equipped with an Auto-Input or Factory Upgrade will auto pull smelt-able items from inventories. Until an item is modified in the furnace/forge.
A furnace/Forge will only pull from the adjacent inventory if first an item is hoppered in or placed in manually. When the fuel slot has space, the fuel will be extracted automatically. Anything that can be smelted will not be detected until something changes inside the furnace/forge.
The factory upgrade is set to Auto Input true, for the correct side and Redstone Ignored
3 stacks of copper dust not being extracted.
Put in one dust into the top slot or remove some of the fuel and suddenly the furnace/forge will start to extract from the inventory next to it.
Have you tried using the newest version(1.18.2-1.2.4)? Soon I will analyze to find a solution for this bug
Sorry, but I did exactly the same block setup as you did, and the same factory upgrade configuration, and I didn't find this bug, maybe I fixed it in this new version and don't remember.
Thanks for reporting this bug, I already found the problem, and I'll post the fix soon.
Using latest
Still happening. Inventory of the furnace needs to be changed in some way before the inventory next to it gets checked.
In your setup, did you wait for the fuel to fill up? Before adding smeltable items into the inventory next to the furnace? Because the furnace will detect and extract fuel from an adjacent inventory without any problem.
This filling up on fuel will also make the furnace check for smeltable items. When the fuel is full and nothing further changes it will stop checking adjacent inventories.
The furnace was already fueled and idle, with no inventory changes, and auto-input was working normally
Just tested it. It works if the fuel is not full. In your case 37 coal. Then the automation works. As soon as there are 64 coal, it no longer detects smeltable items in the adjacent inventory.
It has 37 coals because before they were consumed when starting the auto-input they had 64 coals ๐
So for some reason the fuel slot being full of fuel stops the upgrade from checking if smeltable material gets added to adjacent inventories.