Custom Loading Screen

Custom Loading Screen


Allow changing the base background colour

bawr opened this issue ยท 12 comments


If the option is there, I'm being blind. ;)

Originally started looking for this because I wanted to change the background to match Mojang's 3 x 254 logo background, but I guess it could be useful either way, for people who don't want to create oversized centred images just to get the background white overridden.

PS: Despite my bickering, I'm actually enjoying the mod a great deal, I love it when people fix those small irritating issues with mods. Hell, I used to do the same for KSP. Keep up the great work! ;)


Oooh, shiny!

Got it, tested, seems to be working just as advertised. :)


That saves me having to test it outside my dev environment :)


The option currently does NOT exist. But good idea. Also, while your here, can you open any more issues with suggestions? (This is your second issue, and they seem separate and I would quite like to see more if you have them so I can include many with a single release)


I don't think I have any more, my needs are simple, it's just that my OCD is strong. ;)

If I had to reach for something, I'd remove the "loading" word from the screen, listing the stage and the current mod should be enough, and it could potentially overflow the line on a tiny window. But that's a nitpick, not even an issue.


Is that ok with you or would you like something to be changed about it?


Ok, its added in AlexIIL/BetterLoadingScreen_1.7@f000d7a . What you have to do is add this:

  "type": "CLEAR_COLOUR",
  "colour": "aabbcc"

To the images.json file. (Where the aabbcc is the hex based colour)


Great, sounds exactly like what I want.


BTW if your impatient (as I wont be uploading the finished version until tomorrow) you can grab the version at (The site I use to auto-build the jars)


Hey, just did a quick test, and oddly enough, the hex colours seem to be off by one.

For example, if I set the background fill to "FEFEFE", the actual fill used is "FDFDFD".

Not a problem for me, since with "FFFFFF" as a workaround I get to match Mojang's background just fine, but just thought I'd bring it up. ;)


Took a closer look, and it's even stranger. It appears that the off-by-one thing happens on the whole screen. For example, the default Mojang logo, in fact, has a background of 0xFFFFFF, but it's displayed as 0xFEFEFE for some reason, and the same goes for the BLS background colour.

I basically took a screenshot of the loading screen and did the eyedropper thing.

I did another test earlier, however - with the previous version (before the BLS background colour could be specified), and in that version the BLS background was, in fact, 0xFFFFFF, and the Mojang logo was still rendered with off-by-one background.

Confirmed that both with the eye-dropper test, and by tilting my LCD so that the difference would be apparent. ;)


That sounds really strange... Did you screen compare it to a background of FDFDFD or did you use some sort of eyedropper tool from a painting app to tell the colour? I'll have a look at the internals to see if I'm messing up the colour somewhere anyway though.


Ok, I looked at my code, turns out I was dividing by 0x100 rather than 0xFF, so the values could never be exactly 1... Basically its fixed. Hopefully its only a small problem so it can wait (release-wise) until I finish a few more features fo 1.3.9