Cave Maps (Better Nether Map Port)

Cave Maps (Better Nether Map Port)


Maps dissapearing after generating

ElMolgajete opened this issue · 5 comments


I was playing with this mod on my modpack and then I've maked a vanilla map, but, when I tried to generate it (open it/use it) the map just dissapeared.
It only happens with this mod installed.
Mod ver: 1.0
Forge: 43.2.4


Could you give more details as to the exact sequence of events, please? I need to know how to replicate this.


Here's a video of the bug


Oh you mean the actual map item disappeared, not the image. That's really weird and I have no idea what could be doing that. Thanks for the video.

Would you mind sending me your config file? It might help me out, might not, we'll see. I'll get right on it.

(Incidentally, after you send me a copy, try changing whether overworld maps are enabled or disabled. That'd be my best guess to fix it while I work on a patch.)


Here's the Config file


Alright, found and fixed the bug. The proper workaround for the moment is to use maps in stacks of at least 2. This bug only triggers when you use the last map in a stack.

Once I port the fix to the other versions I'll upload them all to CurseForge.