Cannot run command from totaleconomy as a reward
wojanek opened this issue ยท 6 comments
My Versions:
I have a problem that whenever i try to run
"adminpay @s 1000" <-- example
nothing really happens... as if it is not triggered ofc when i tried to run is viaPlayer then i get not enouth permissions promt which is obvious since i have sponge and luckperms to handle permissions. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong ?
At the same time when i personaly use that command it works and "say Hi @s " command for testing worked...
Oh man.... This is true.. title is bad... ... shall i remake ticket ??
Question i meant to ask was why i cant run command from TotalEconomy plugin ...
So the command isn't from Pixelmon, like your ticket title says it is. :P
Are you using the Pixelmon EconoBridge plugin as well? If not, that would be why you aren't seeing the Pixelmon Money update.
You can generally edit the title yourself. Do not make a new ticket and have multiple tickets open at a time, that just slows down all progress. :P
Perhaps turning on any Debugging, or log messages in the console that appear may be helpful?
Have you tried using the alternative, pixelmon command to pay a player instead? :P