Better Questing - Standard Expansion

Better Questing - Standard Expansion


Crash on startup: "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: betterquesting/api/network/IPacketHandler"

Twisted-Code opened this issue ยท 6 comments

all I did was try to install this like any other mod. Betterquesting is installed on both client and server, but both crash on startup


hmm... I think I might've had either a bad download or a wrong version. If I use the jar downloaded by the Twitch client, as opposed to downloading and installing manually as I did when I encountered this crash, the client initializes without issue. Probably safe to disregard this, though I do wonder what precisely caused it to crash in the first place...
I'll close this issue, conditionally dependent on not having any further crashes as I set up my server to use the mod.


Damn, I was afraid I might've closed this prematurely. My server crashed when I tried to connect to it for the first time after installing the mod
`Description: Exception in server tick loop

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: betterquesting/api2/utils/ParticipantInfo`
Full crash report available via this link: crash-2019-09-20_09.09.24-server.txt


the same thing happens if I open a world in single player. Apparently it has nothing to do with any of the server-side mods I have: crash-2019-09-20_09.18.39-server.txt


Got to update the base mod again. I've been changing a lot of small things out which breaks compatability in a few places like this


I understand. I'll give it a try when I get a chance. Until then, let's leave this open, just in case? I'll close it myself if everything works ๐Ÿ˜„


It worked. Closing!