Better Questing

Better Questing


[Major Issue] OSS doesn't work on multiplayer

DV666 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Hi Funwayguy !

I have a big trouble with the OSS on my server : he didn't work :(
I have some grindy quests so it's very annoying to dump like 100.000 wheats :D

The issue is very simple : OSS don't detect any quests on multiplayer but works perfectly on SSP.

Here's a screenshoot about that :

Bug OSS : no quests available

Thanks in advance to fix the issue asap.... :]



I am having the same issue with Forever Stranded on a server. I have to pull the server world down into single player in order to use the OSS.


same issue here on Forever Stranded.


Same Issue here, and also running forever stranded. I tried updating the pack to the newest version at the moment ( but it's just like the picture above. I can't select any quests or select dirt or anything..
Kinda annoying since I have to submit 1.000.000 dirt to get the job done. Hoping for a solution


Seems Im having the same issue in 1.10.2 latest version of BQ


I am currently running the server version of Forever Stranded (v1.8.9.1) -- the latest version available. The pack currently has Better Questing v2.3.225 (and Better Questing Triggerer v0.9).

The Object Submission Station is not working. I have been playing for near three months now, and regardless the updates by the pack creator, the OSS has never worked. The pack creator says he is unable to determine any problems on his end.

Here is a screenshot of the OSS showing no quests available, clicking the buttons do nothing, the green check-mark is not clickable, etc.:

I will be happy to provide any files, logs, etc. needed but please FIX this!


I'm going to try bumping this issue as we are also experiencing it on our servers.


I'm aware of it, I just haven't gone back to fix it because my dev workspace is in a mid rewrite to fix the abomination that is the GUI design. I'll see if I can split my workspace to do some legacy patches to get the OSS up and running again seeing as this is a common issue people seem to be having.

EDIT: Found the cause already. Looks like an easy fix so maybe today/tomorrow I can post a quick update

EDIT2: Updates posted to CurseForge with a fix. Let me know if that gets things working for you guys. Sorry about the wait.


Looks like the new version causes a server crash on startup.


Accidentally left a bit of client code on the server side on that build. Already uploaded fixed versions to Curse Forge