[Question] Server Default reload with Player progression Data won't work
Dream-Master opened this issue ยท 14 comments
I try to reload Quests on my Server (to get new Quests ) with Player progression Data in the Json file and it won't update. If I clear all player data I can reload it and get new Quests. Is this international too and I guess you fix will solve this problem?
is there a other option to refresh Quests. (i add new Quests inside the json via dei ingame editor and copy all Player progression Data into that file and try to reload it but this dont work)
That isn't how that file is meant to be used. If you want to move data from the current QuestDatabase file to the default one you should be using "/bq_admin default save". Even then this shouldn't normally be used to 'update' the quest lines. Like I've mentioned in the other issue thread, I will be making a dedicated way of doing this with progression merging.
@Funwayguy Ok in the new Better Questing Update 1.0.98 i can now updating the Questfile and not loosing progression any more but i get all the rewards again.
@Funwayguy I hear from the Prosper Craft server which play my Modpack GTNewHorizons too that they can't reloading the Quest file with Better Questing Version 101. The new and updated Quests are shown but if People try to complete Quests it won't work.
I believe after splitting all the progression in the last few updates this should no longer be a problem if done right (edit > save > load).
OK try now to loading the changed Quests with Version 118 and it reset my player data again.
If I default load it give me the new Quests but rest all Progression data
If I try default save it save the old file over the new one so the Quests not updated but Progression still there.
If I do edit then save then load it doesn't work also. I can only save progression data manually reload the defaults shut down the Server copy Progression data back and restart the server. I hope i did something wrong and there is a more easy way.
Seems I forgot to add progression preservation handling to the default load command. Last update should resolve that part at least.
Ok thanks will test it when I came back from work.
I see chain quests are changed too. How they have to work normally?