Better Questing

Better Questing


Fast gfx glitching in Submission Station

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not using OptiFine, BetterFps or Vanilla Fix

MC 1.12.2
Forge 2757
Better Questing 3.5.263
Better Questing - Standard Expansion 3.4.145

so place a Submission station down and chose a mob hunting quest from inside its gui and the animation for the mob flashes very fast

managed to get this screen shot, but happens all through the mob turning animation!ArSGAcC04KWsjgkZBfMMNqDUZKUz


I changed up a bunch of rendering for entities and items in GUIs and the submission station is one of the old legacy screens I haven't gotten around to fixing (it's actually the most complex of them all to replace). I'll look into making a temporary fix for this in a later update to make it usable in the mean time but at the end the day the whole thing needs rewriting anyway.