Title Image get's strangely distorted
dredhorse opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hi, any idea why a picture looks like this? https://monosnap.com/file/psuQFvKO0SGrXmXTrTQlDB2J5Rzwml
Size of the picture is 512 x 512,
settings are:
"questSettings:10": { "betterquesting:10": { "livesdef:3": 3, "pack_name:8": "OffTheBeatenPath", "home_anchor_y:5": 0.0, "livesmax:3": 10, "home_anchor_x:5": 0.5, "editmode:1": 1, "hardcore:1": 0, "home_image:8": "betterquesting:textures/gui/default_title.png", "pack_version:3": 0, "home_offset_x:3": -128, "home_offset_y:3": 0 }
The title texture is split into two halves. The top half is the background that stretches to fit the window. The bottom half is the title overlay which is what the offset and anchor variables use to position it over the background.
This will eventually change to be much more flexible once the old GUIs are fully removed for good.
ah, so now I have to find a graphic template which shows the correct usage. Galactic Science 2 has the same issue, Sky Exchange I need to check, if I download "yours" from source it is a pink and black checkerbox