As of the update BetterQuesting-3.5.270 quests that are done can say INCOMPLETE in red even when done.
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I am testing my TownCraft modpack update, playing a hardcore game and this quest will not complete, that odd black box is showing up in the bottom left, and claim will not light up.
Then on other quests, the black box shows something(a chest) and when I complete the quests, they show up as INCOMPLETE, but DO let me claim the rewards.
Aha, I see how that the box in the left corner is for reward choice, the INCOMPLETE in red bug still stands.
This is a side effect of me disabling the GUI refreshing on this screen. Once I replace the inner panels they'll be able to update themselves without the entire screen breaking having to reset. The black box is a rendering bug within the inner legacy panels which, as I mentioned, need replacing.