Add ability to accept items that are Ore Dictionaried together
Drethic opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I'm trying to learn your mod and created a retrieval task to get 1x Oak Wood (itemID 17). I have partialMatch = true and ignoreNBT = true. I had hoped harvesting a Birch Wood (itemID 17:2) would satisfy the requirement. Is there an option I am missing? If not can you add the ability to match to Ore Dictionary items?
Ore Dictionary support is already being developed for the next update of Standard Expansion.
I've been trying to test out the OreDict options you added with Better Quest 1.0.15 and Standard Expansion 1.0.10. However, when I go into the item, under Raw NBT, and fill in the following fields:
id -> minecraft:log
Count -> 1
OreDict -> ore:logWood
Damage -> 0
I would expect it to look for Oak Wood, but accept anything linked in the dictionary, which in this case is:
Ore entries for <ore:logWood> :
<Natura:Rare Tree>
<Natura:Rare Tree:1>
<Natura:Rare Tree:2>
<Natura:Rare Tree:3>
<Natura:Dark Tree>
<Natura:Dark Tree:1>
But it still only comes us looking for Oak Wood and doesn't accept the Birch Wood I'm holding. What did I do wrong? :)
Seems to work just fine for me using the ore dictionary entry "logWood". Did you have NBT checks on?