Better Slabs

Better Slabs


[1.16.3] Crash with Charm

crysthala opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Crashes before startup with exit code 0. Removing either this mod or Charm allows the game to start. Reporting to the other dev, as well.

latest.log, no crash-report generated.
Fabric Loader: 0.10.1-209
Fabric API: 0.2.1-412
Charm: 2.0.3
Better Slabs: 1.1.1

Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help!


Conflict with a mixin in Charm. Fixed in Charm.

I'm using a @Redirect because @Invoke isn't allowed in the constructor, so I can't reload client-side things here. I guess you're doing something similar. Since this isn't the first time that Charm has conflicted with this hook I've disabled it and handled loading textures in a different manner. Heads up that Better Slabs might end up conflicting with others due to this.

        method = "<init>",
        at = @At(
            value = "INVOKE",
            target = "Lnet/minecraft/resource/ResourcePackManager;scanPacks()V"

svenhjol provided a fix in the other page that works. Many thanks!