Better Sprinting

Better Sprinting


Crash when clicking Controls

a-frenzy opened this issue ยท 6 comments


If I understand this correctly, you are removing keybinds form the list right?


Yea, removing keybinds and also replacing a button (but that part should be fine).


Crash will be fixed on Controlling's side, minor visual issues arising from the fact it's suddenly working will be fixed in the next Better Sprinting update.


Awesome good to know! thanks for the response.


I Arrived at this page after experiencing the same crash on clicking the "Controls" button under "Options".
Controlling mod is in the pack as well. The sole purpose of the mod collection I am using is Client UI. I will save the crash and post upon request, as to not clutter this thread, and will gladly compile a list of mods used in the current collection.

[EDIT] This is happening in Minecraft 1.12 - Better Sprinting "Release 2.0.1 for MC 1.12" - Controlling "Controlling-3.0.1"