Better Storage Too

Better Storage Too


[1.12.2] Could you add support for Enchantment Descriptions?

vizthex123 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Title. Would be nice.


I wrote a lang file that fixes the compat for 1.16 enchdesc, either put that in via a resource loader such as openloader or as a resourcepack file, path: assets/enchdesc/lang/en_us.json

{ "enchantment.betterstorage.unlocking.desc": "Has the ability to open more locks than those which were crafted from it. 100% chance to open an unechanted lock.", "enchantment.betterstorage.trigger.desc": "Makes the chest emit a redstone signal when players try to open, break or unlock the chest without the correct key.", "enchantment.betterstorage.lockpicking.desc": "Opens / Unlocks a locked block once, then decreases the enchantment level.", "enchantment.betterstorage.morphing.desc": "Permanently changes the key into the one that would fit another lock.", "enchantment.betterstorage.persistance.desc": "Makes the attached chest slower to break and more resistant to explosives.", "": "Offers protection against key enchantments.", "enchantment.betterstorage.shock.desc": "Damages players trying to open, break or unlock the chest without the correct key.", "vtweaks:lumbering.desc": "Allows one to cut down an entire tree in a single swing while sneaking.", "vtweaks:imperishable.desc": "This enchantment prevents the equipment from being used when it only has 1 durability left." }