Better Storage Too

Better Storage Too


[Suggestion] More tiers for lockers

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Being so used to mods like iron chests, I was kind of surprised to find that all reinforced lockers, whether they cost a few copper, or a block and a half of diamonds, have the same storage size.
Would you consider some more tiers? Right now, I'm playing with Get Ya Tanks Here and you can script the size of the tank (4^tier buckets) and the material (the frame is made from that material). I think something like that would be great. (I must have an OP, star-metal locker. ๐Ÿ˜„)


The different materials are meant to be decorative only. This is part of the design of the original mod. So basically, you can have a purely functional iron locker, or bling it out with diamond, but they will still function the same.


I appreciate your taking the time to respond, as well as all your hard work. And, I understand the original had limited space. I'm just suggesting that it's your fork, and space upgrades could be a thing, even if off by default.
I really like using BST, I love the lockers, but when it's time to upgrade, Iron Chests, Compact Storage, and Actually Addition's storage crates all keep going where BST stops. If you just don't want bigger lockers, I can respect that. Thank you.