Auto jump when using mod?
MikeRafone7 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I downloaded the new update but whenever I play I auto jump over blocks, even though the the auto jump is turned of. Any idea why this is?
Please confirm that this occurs with only this mod, or produce a minimum set of mods where this occurs as I do not touch anything related to auto jumping
I tested it and it still happend. All I was using was Fabric api, yet another config lib, configurable and better trims and I still had the problem
Ok I think I know what is happening. Couldn't reproduce because it's unique to the 1.20.1 version as that version re-implements step height addition as it was added in a later 1.20.x version and auto-jump is not the same as step height so I was confused
I can reproduce this as well, as with the latest version of BetterTrims 3.1.1-fabric+1.20.1. If I go back to version 2.3.2 it does not happen. Instance is running Minecraft 1.20.1 with Fabric 0.16.5, here is a screenshots of all mods in the instance:
It is basically behaving as if auto-step is enabled, even though it shouldn't be. I'm not wearing any gear and vanilla auto-jump is disabled: