Crash on launch in dev environment.
temp1011 opened this issue ยท 7 comments I'm not really sure what the problem is, other mods seem to work fine when dropped into run/mods. Maybe something to do with reflection somewhere?
uhm i'm not sure how to help with this
the line in question is this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(AGE, Integer.valueOf(0)));
the offending field is Block::blockState
but this happens after running a constructor from another class which also accesses blockState
this.setDefaultState(this.blockState.getBaseState().withProperty(NORTH, EnumAttachPosition.NONE).withProperty(EAST, EnumAttachPosition.NONE).withProperty(SOUTH, EnumAttachPosition.NONE).withProperty(WEST, EnumAttachPosition.NONE).withProperty(BlockRedstoneWire.POWER, Integer.valueOf(0)));
The only thing I can do is replace those calls to this.blockState with getDefaultState instead and see if that helps. This is probably a mapping mismatch but I'm not sure why the mapping exists in one method and not another...
Huh, weird. Don't worry too much about it. Maybe it's something modifying things at the bytecode level?
I replaced the field reference for now if you want a build with that