Aqueduct biome config suggestion
WolfieWaffle opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I just found the mod "Finite Water Control" which disables infinte water in all biomes but ocean and river biomes, and I like that but aqueducts can still be used to water a farm of arbitrary size even if the source is from a tiny lake. It would be nice to have a configuration option that disables filling aqueducts from source water blocks that are not in a ocean or river biome (but still keeping them filling up from already filled aqueducts)p. I know it might be confusing with all the conditions on them but it should be clear enough what the option does so I don't think that will be an issue.
I'm super close to having farms use water transport by a huge screw pump in the ocean with a bunch of above ground water ducts, which will be very fun.
okay, I've put a version with this on curse. The config takes registry names (ex: minecraft:ocean, minecraft:beach, etc). It also limits screwpumps inputting into aqueducts in restricted biomes because it's kinda tricky to detect where water is actually coming from.