Feral wolf and freeze immunity
Lendill opened this issue · 4 comments
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
[17Feb.2023 12:59:08.434] [Worker-Main-17/ERROR] [net.minecraft.tags.TagLoader/]: Couldn't load tag minecraft:freeze_immune_entity_types as it is missing following references: betteranimalsplus:feral_wolf (from betteranimalsplus-1.18.2-11.0.10-forge.jar)
That´s just a copy from my serverlog. When starting up it seems that feral_wolf is either not added to the tag or maybe has some spelling mistakes?
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
On server startup. I tested this with forge 40.1.80 for 1.18.2 - with archlight for forge.
- Minecraft Version: 1.18.2
- Architectury API Version: 4.11.89 (Forge)
- Platform (Forge/Fabric): Forge
- Forge Version: Forge for 1.18.2 40.1.80
- Fabric Loader Version: -
- Fabric API Version: -
- Mod Version: as stated above 1.18.2-11.0.10
I made a stupid typo there is no underscore in betteranimalsplus:feralwolf
Would ya mind telling me the fix for it? I'm no modder, but i've been digging through every file I have and found the freeze entity bit and stuff referring to the feral wolf, but I don't know what change to make to fix the bug.