End biomes spawning in the Overworld? BetterEndForge Version 1.1.0
MarioMario24680 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Hi, I just loaded my world on my Minecraft 1.16.4 server (Forge 35.1.13) and I noticed something weird happened between BetterEnd and the overworld. It seems that your biomes (which I think are supposed to be in the End) overwrite biomes in the overworld. When I go between the biomes, the sky instantly changes between normal blue and End black. You may want to take a look and see if this happens to you as well. Here are some screenshots of the "Foggy Mushroomland" biome from BetterEnd overwriting a "Bamboo Forest" biome that was already loaded into the game before I added BetterEnd to my server: https://prnt.sc/w7n1r6, https://prnt.sc/w7oayj, and https://prnt.sc/w7o9ll
Using Xaero's World Map, here's a clearer demonstration of the overwriting process in action: https://prnt.sc/w7ni3z
Normally, I wouldn't mind something like this happening, but it swapped out a biome where it rained with one where it doesn't rain anymore, and I'd like to change it back if that's possible.
I am not experiencing anything like that. Could you give some more details? Also which other mods are you using?
Alright, here is the full list in detail: https://prnt.sc/w7w6ku
I am unsure of what else I can show.
@MarioMario24680 Let's say....
The biome mods I have installed are BYG(Numerical ID's are 100 - 125), BOP(126 - 155), and Prehistoric Fauna(156 - 207).
I create a new world. the biome at 0, 0 is a PHF Hell's Creek.
Only the Biome numerical ID is saved to the chunk so... PHF Hell's Creek in this case is 157.
So biome numerical ID 157 is stored at 0, 0.
Alright... BYG just got an update and they added 3 new biomes. So what happens? Well....
The biome mods I have installed are now BYG(Numerical ID's are 100 - 128), BOP(129 - 158), and Prehistoric Fauna(159 - 210).
So now the biome at 0, 0 still has the numerical ID 157 but.... the ID's have shifted, now the biome at 0, 0 is a Biomes O Plenty Alps Biome.
I recommend that you use the latest version of forge:
http://files.minecraftforge.net/ or if that doesn't work, https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chocolate-fix/files
@CorgiTaco Thank you!
That turned out to be some really good advice. I already had the latest version of Forge, but temporarily taking out some mods like BetterEnd replaced the biomes, so I got Crag Gardens and Enchanted Forest biomes instead of High Coniferous Forest and Bamboo Forest (from Oh The Biomes You'll Go). Rain shows up in these biomes, so I was pretty happy with that, so then I added the Chocolate Fix mod to lock the ID's: https://prnt.sc/w8zhly
There were some unfortunate side effects of the biome replacing, though, since biomes from different dimensions can sneak into the overworld: https://prnt.sc/w8zr12 and https://prnt.sc/w8zrlb
Anyway, once Chocolate Fix was added, by the time that I added the other biome mods back in, the biomes didn't get replaced anymore. @Beethoven92 You may want to mention on your CurseForge page that Chocolate Fix should be added and loaded into a world before adding BetterEndForge.