


[Suggestion] Stop the Fireruby pickaxe from smelting ores when it has the Silk Touch enchantment.

TimVincii opened this issue ยท 0 comments



From what I've tested while playing with BetterNether and BetterEnd, every ore (Including ancient debris) except for these four:

  • Amber ore
  • Nether lapis ore
  • Nether redstone ore
  • Nether ruby ore
    gets automatically smelted when mined with the Fireruby pickaxe due to the Rubys' Fire enchantment, even if that pickaxe has the Silk Touch enchantment on it.
    I know that's how the Rubys' Fire enchantment works, but I feel like it would make more sense to stop the auto smelting from happening if the pickaxe has Silk Touch on it, I had to switch to an Aeternium pickaxe with Silk Touch in my server as I couldn't rely on the Fireruby one.