


Make it so that chunks of the dimension beyond the portal while still in the OW are adjustable

kalizy opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Please, if possible, make it so that the rendering of chunks of the dimensions, while looking at the portal is adjustable so that multiplayer can be less laggy.


Not entirely sure what you're asking. Sounds like the "See-through portals" option to me.

Have you looked at the config file/screen? There are a few options to affect rendering of chunks through portals.
These two are global (first one is the one which I was referring to):

@Config.Name("See-through portals")
@Config.Comment("Whether the other side of portals will be visible. Disabling will improve performance.\n" +
"\n" +
"Client-side setting.")
public static boolean seeThroughPortals = true;
@Config.Name("Portals in portals limit")
@Config.Comment("How deeply nested portals are rendered.\n" +
"A value of 0 will completely disable see-through portals.\n" +
"A value of 1 will allow you to see through portals but not portals within those.\n" +
"A value of 2 (default) will allow you to see through portals in portals but no further.\n" +
"A value of 3 will allow you to see through portals in portals in portals but no further.\n" +
"Etc.\n" +
"\n" +
"This only applies to portals which already have their remote world loaded.\n" +
"The recursion limit for loading of portals is a fixed 1.\n" +
"\n" +
"Client-side setting.")
@Config.RangeInt(min = 0)
public static int recursionLimit = 2;

And these three can be configured per-portal (the performance relevant part being the cutoff point where the portal stops being rendered entirely, the remainder is just for seamless transitions between fully visible and totally opaque):
@Config.Name("Fully visible distance")
@Config.Comment("The distance at which portals will fully render the remote world.\n" +
"If this value is greater than the \"Minimal render distance\", that value is used instead.\n" +
"\n" +
"A value between 0 and 1 specifies a fraction of the overall render distance.\n" +
"A value equal or greater than 1 specifies an absolute distance in chunks.\n" +
"\n" +
"Client-side setting.\n"
@Config.RangeDouble(min = 0, max = 64)
public double renderDistMin = 1.0;
@Config.Name("Minimal render distance")
@Config.Comment("The distance at which portals will begin to render the remote world.\n" +
"\n" +
"A value between 0 and 1 specifies a fraction of the overall render distance.\n" +
"A value equal or greater than 1 specifies an absolute distance in chunks.\n" +
"\n" +
"Client-side setting.\n"
@Config.RangeDouble(min = 0, max = 64)
public double renderDistMax = 3.00;
@Config.Name("Size render distance multiplier")
@Config.Comment("For portals which have a side length greater than this value, the \"Minimal render distance\" and \"Fully visible distance\" values\n will be doubled.\n" +
"If the side length is greater than twice this value, they will be tripled.\n" +
"Greater than thrice this value, they will be quadrupled.\n" +
"Etc.\n" +
"\n" +
"Render dist values between 0 and 1 will be scaled after they've been converted into absolute ones.\n" +
"\n" +
"Client-side setting.\n"
public int renderDistSizeMultiplier = 10;

In addition, chunks in portals will only load and render in a viewDistanceInChunks - distanceFromYouToPortalInChunks - 1 radius (taking into account nesting; and the constant 1 may be different depending on portal type, i.e. travelhuts uses 4 iirc, everything else 1).