Game can't even start with BetterThirdPerson mod Forge 1.12.2
DainXOR opened this issue · 6 comments
When tries to load the game from the launcher, at some point it stops and shows up this dialog:
Edit: This also seems to happen with Dynamic Surroundings, Vanilla fix...
Duplicate of #560
VanillaFix dosen't even work at all letalone with Vivecraft, but Dynamic Surroundings is a bit wierd.
Try using it and Vivecraft by itself and check the logs given (Best done with Modrinth App because it can show live logs - if you have a second monitor you can see it doing things in real-time which helps a lot)
Yeah, that's what weirds me out, maybe that fix can be possible without being too traumatic
BetterThirdPerson messes with how third person movement is handled. It has never worked with Vivecraft and probably never will as they directly conflict for some reason
BetterThirdPerson messes with how third person movement is handled. It has never worked with Vivecraft and probably never will as they directly conflict for some reason
Understandable, but why dynamic surroundings? Is it possible to make those two work?
And i guess vanilla fix won't work for the same reason as BetterThirdPerson, so no reason to mention it.