- 6
Don't work with Optifine 1.12.2 HD U F5
#485 opened by Todorokigamer - 0
OTG Support
#484 opened by Dalethium - 2
Better Portals and Chunk Loading
#483 opened by systemshaper - 1
Dimensional Doors compatibility bug causing infinite loading screen
#482 opened by skullface2587 - 0
end exit portal offset by 3 blocks from world spawn point in north west
#481 opened by bobodoustaud - 2
magma n bp no like it when you die outside of the overworld, it freeze up when respawn and crash when dissconnect
#480 opened by Redd56 - 6
Chunk corruption twilight forest
#479 opened by Quadruplay - 2
Portal's position and proxy blocks
#478 opened by nirahiel - 1
Error Message/ Something Missing? It's not letting minecraft load in.
#477 opened by PurpleHattedSpider - 1
Game suspends when I try to load mod
#476 opened by Matszwe02 - 2
issue interacting with compact machines (CTD)
#475 opened by festro - 3
Possible BP and ProjectE/ProjectEX issue.
#474 opened by border999 - 0
Night vision effect doesn't illuminate blocks in portals
#473 opened by Johni0702 - 3
Portals invisible at certain angles
#472 opened by yezhiyi9670 - 0
Worlds rendered in portals not affected by blindness
#471 opened by yezhiyi9670 - 6
Rendering glitch when attempting to "get out of" the end
#470 opened by yezhiyi9670 - 5
Cubic Chunks compatability
#469 opened by border999 - 1
Game crash when loading
#468 opened by DenisTheZiwward - 1
Galacticraft enter dimension bug
#467 opened by tabr - 0
Leaving the Nether (and probably other portals) with a newly created Mystcraft linking book crashes the game
#466 opened by Hate9 - 1
end portal to overworld goes to world spawn. not player spawn
#465 opened by Palexander123 - 3
How is this implemented?
#464 opened by io12 - 1
dunno what to call this, really
#463 opened by Late-Night - 1
Client crashing when disconecting from server
#462 opened by BarryHarton - 10
OpenGl error 1282
#461 opened by edate - 1
[] BetterPortals and New Tardis Mod Not Compatible
#460 opened by Alan2188 - 3
Infinite load
#459 opened by Ibirtem - 19
[] Going through any portal with buildcraft (& possibly bibliocraft) causing occasional freeze/VF crash loop.
#458 opened by Peavii - 1
Incompatible with Journey Map
#457 opened by agentwolf88 - 4
Game freezes (not CTD)
#456 opened by festro - 20
game "crash" when using 3rd party dimensional teleport
#455 opened by AlienXtream - 3
Portal vanishing after ignition
#454 opened by CoolSlimbo - 4
Entity Crash.
#453 opened by border999 - 0
Incompatability with blur GUI mod
#452 opened by jhammerberg - 1
Serene Seasons crash
#451 opened by UberApril - 20
Game Lock Related to JourneyMap
#450 opened by border999 - 2
Crashing upon entering a Twilight Portal
#449 opened by Doedelsander - 1
Client Crash
#448 opened by WarriorGamingserv - 1
Support for Mystcraft portals
#447 opened by TheDeviantCrafter - 1
Portal Immediately Closing after activation
#446 opened by judicius - 1
Game crashes every time i close my save.
#445 opened by Axodique - 1
Game crashes every time i close my save.
#444 opened by Axodique - 2
Remotely loading a different dimension
#443 opened by Hyxaru - 2
Crash when opening millénaire locked chest for some reason.
#442 opened by Axodique - 5
When falling out of the Aether can't interact with things because of entity
#441 opened by SteveTDMiner - 3
Game Crash - Possibly from optimization mods
#440 opened by Dinoway - 1
Crash with Streams (Farseek) installed.
#439 opened by Mousebeast - 6
BetterPortals showing white screen after being installed
#438 opened by Cjnator38 - 2
Cubic Chunks compatibility issue: Remote End Gateways (still) linking to the obsidian platform
#437 opened by Hyxaru - 0
Texture Error with Server.
#436 opened by Nick1st