


Config is getting ignored

SlendyMan0 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Any attempt to change bewitchment config is ignored. I'm not certain, as I am not a modder and I'm not familiar with the API, but I suspect that it may be because all of variables in config are final, however I'm not sure and just pointing in a direction there I think the problem is.

But I think that even if that would be fixed, not all problems would be gone. Mob entities are registered before the check for 0 weight, which means that only thing skipped are additional settings, such as biomes and spawn restrictors.


In AOF3 discord, a dev that was modifying Bewitchment to get the configs to work said this in BWConfig I just took Final out of all the configs, public final int ghostWeight = 6; to public int ghostWeight = 60; which makes their mod actually use the config value instead of the Final value.