


Can't get some things to work

TinyGubbins opened this issue ยท 2 comments


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I'm using All Of Fabric Five 0.2.7 (Bewitched V 1.18-4) and have been getting into bewitchment. Main issue is that any curses I try to use with tag locks don't work. Even though my Alter power is 500+ and I've gotten a demon heart. I place all the items in the brazier but the simple curse never takes effect. I also haven't been able to get my voodoo poppet with a players tag to do anything. If you've got any solutions I'd greatly appreciate it. :)


Both of those features are disabled in All of Fabric 5; you can enable them in the config (modpackroot/config/bewitchment.json) and remove the entries in disabledPoppets and set enableCurses to true