


Failed Brews: What to do?

IdrisQe opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So, since the book told me to experiment, and according to a wiki for the older versions, I figured I should be able to add gunpowder to make a splash potion. That very much didn't work even with my 599 Altar Power so I assume that isn't an option anymore (which means curing this zombie villager I found is going to be a pain >.> Time to get a Nether Portal I guess) but on that topic- I now have a failed brew sitting in my cauldron and have no idea what to do.

Do you need to break/re-place the cauldron any time you fail a brew? Because if so that's kinda annoying. I tried a bucket, nothing happenend, bottles, nothing happened (shame, it'd be neat if failed brews gave you a sort of suspicious stew styled thing with unpredictable bad effects for a few seconds or something) I tried right clicking with an empty hand, shift-right clicking, left right and shift-right clicking with Athame, nothing removes this brew. The Book of Shadows, as far as I can tell, says nothing on the matter either.

It would be nice if there was a simpler way to dump failed brews, maybe just shift-right clicking or something, which maybe would make a noxious AOE cloud around it for a few seconds or something from fumes off the dumped wastewater.

Also, related Mini-suggestion: Right click a brew in a pot with arrows to make tipped arrows, 3 max, as sort of an early game way to get them without needing Dragon's Breath which is just obtusely expensive and endgame for how useless most tipped arrows are

  1. Only the listed modifiers (Redstone, Glowstone) are valid, you want a brewing stand to enhance your potions as splash brews
  2. Add wood ash, it'll instantly clear your cauldron

idk about that tipped arrow suggestion, since it's very different to vanilla progression